Sunday, September 30, 2007

How to get great Medical Care in America

There are several ways to get great medical care in the USA. And I’m going to look at each one that I can think of and hope you’ll add any I miss. This could prove to be an “affordable way to get health care” guide for anyone willing to go above and beyond to do so without flying to a foreign country, or seeking political asylum outside the borders of this once great nation.

The first way to get the best medical care that money can buy is to become super rich (okay not so easy in an emergency situation, but start early with this one). There are many ways to do this that the average American might not think of, such as the Gates Way. This is when you find a competitor who has invented a product you want to call your own. What you do is simple. You get your hands on a copy of their patents, and then you doctor them up with tiny differences and file them as your own.

In the meantime, while the original owner attempts to regain what was rightfully his by battling in the courts using legal means to do so, you do a one-upmanship thing by gathering together enough capital from family and friends to begin production of the product you’ve doctored. Don’t worry about little things like it never working as you promote that it will. Once you’ve become the dominant player, everyone who bought your product will be unable to change to the one that works properly now being manufactured by the guy who actually owned the good patents in the beginning, because you‘re the best promo man in town and like the court jester, can fool any sucker into believing you’re the guy to follow.

This can be applied to many different applications for success in this type enterprise. But there are also other ways to get rich, including real estate and investment as long as you do it the right way. This means don’t do what brokers recommend, but follow the lead of men and woman who are already successful (no, not the ones hyping get rich quick schemes on late night TV or internet pop-ups). Buy and sell often at small or large profits, and whenever you’re in doubt of outcome, take all your money out and invest it in something like gold, or oil. If the market you are investing in shows signs of crashing, remember 2000, don’t hesitate to get out.

You can also buy a truckload of Chinese junk like jewelry and other trinkets no one in their right mind would want to own, and sell that at a reasonable mark-up at a local flea market. Everyone who traipses through a flea market wants to spend money, but not a lot. So you sell the junk you bought at a penny each for one dollar each. At a good flea market, you can earn about $20,000.00 per weekend.

The second way to get great medical care is to get elected to political office. You knew this already didn’t you? But I’m not just talking about the US Senate, or House of Representatives. Try winning at the state level, the county level, even some local office holders have got the type of medical care we‘re discussing. And for the winner it’s free.

The third way to get free, and in many cases great, medical care is to commit a crime and get convicted. This should be self-explanatory.

The fourth way to get great medical care is to become an illegal alien. Again you knew I’d get to this one too, didn’t you? But first, if you’re a US citizen, you have to give that up, and then sneak across the border, run into the nearest hospital emergency room and bingo, you’ve got it dealt with.

The fifth way is to travel abroad and get ill while in a foreign country. It’s okay if you were ill before leaving home, just make sure you don’t get detected at customs. Wait two or three days after you arrive at your destination, and then seek medical care.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Why defend George W Bush?

I imagine you thought I was going to do just that. I’m not. What I want to write about, and since this is my blog, will write about, is why some Americans need to defend Bush.

Let’s say that you, like me, are a war veteran. After 9/11, you, like me, wanted to re-up put the uniform on and head straight to Afghanistan. Even if we had both succeeded in getting back into the military in 2001, we wouldn’t have gotten what we wanted. Sure, some troops were sent there to chase and capture the bad guys, but not enough and without a clear mission order to succeed in wiping Bin Laden and his followers from the planet with the great big effective squeegee our military can be when allowed.

Allowed is the word we must look at now. Why wasn’t the military allowed to do the job the right way when we knew the placement of the enemy’s lair? Why did we allow the untrained, and possibly Bin Laden friendly Afghan military be sent in place of a large American force? You say they weren’t Bin Laden friendly just incompetent? And you’re certain of that? Was the Afghan military responsible for firing cruise missiles and dropping bombs to level the mountain strongholds where Bin Laden hid? Congratulations, you’re correct, they were not. Bush was responsible for overseeing the task, the war against terrorism, and he failed.

Why did George fail? He is militarily incompetent. He is a man who donned the uniform of the Air National Guard to avoid a trip to a combat zone where, God forbid, he might’ve had to face enemy fire while defending the principles America was founded on. George W Bush was unwilling to follow in his father’s footsteps, or do anything more than make a token gesture regarding such a defense. Then, to add Bush insult to injury, he skipped out, went AWOL for a year and thanks to his father and grandfather managed to get himself an honorable discharge too. How in God’s name could an incompetent know how to conduct a war? Through subterfuge.

Subterfuge? Yes. You see, the plan sponsored by Dick Cheney and those who supported him, was always Iraq. Bin Laden opened the door wide for the invasion they had begun planning in 2000 or earlier. But they had a secret weapon. They had the best propaganda team to hit the airwaves, the TV news, and the Internet that money could buy. And they had tons of cash from corporations ready willing and able to rush in behind our troops to take over and own, or run Iraq. They convinced a majority of Americas that Bin Laden and the Iraqi leadership were bosom buddies. The rest is dreadful history.

Now back to my original question.

Why do some people need to defend George W Bush? This one is simple to answer. A lot of veterans and strongly conservative, religious people with good hearts and minds slowly learned they’d been duped. Many, but not most of those Bush followers changed direction and began questioning the logic of the invasion. However, there are some, now a minority of those who supported the invasion, who cannot bring themselves to admit even to the face in the mirror that the man they believed was put in the White House through some kind of Divine Intervention had manipulated and lied to us all. These good honest hardworking Americans still don’t believe it and most never will accept the facts as they stand. There were no WMDs, no Bin Laden ties, nothing to justify invading Iraq. God bless them all, but the Grinch stole the White House in 2000 and then dismantled the country around it.

Now it’s up to history to tell the truth, and then maybe all of us will face the fact that we were had and Bush, Cheney and their supporters are a lot richer for the invasion, leaving the rest of us a lot poorer because of it. Their true legacy is their attempt to turn the United States of America into a third world country dependent on the likes of Wal-Mart and China.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The dark crevices of Glen Beck's mind and Tasers

Glen Beck declared the student Andrew Meyer who got himself Tasered by campus police and arrested, after repeatedly shouting questions to U.S. Senator John Kerry during a campus forum, did it as a publicity stunt. Beck claimed that Meyer wanted to get Tasered.

Well gee whiz, Glen, if that’s true, do you also believe Meyer was clever enough to research what might happen if he got Tasered? 50,000 volts of hot juice fired through his nervous system. I’ll bet he would’ve done some research if he wanted that type of publicity. Wouldn’t you, Glen?

And if you and Meyer did the same internet search and found the same information as I, then you’d both know some folks have died from being Tasered. Now that, Glen, is what I call really really desperate for publicity. Listen, Glen, what the hell good is publicity if you’re not going to be around after the Tasering to bask in the glow (No pun intended there)?

What I think, Glen is that you’re correct when you stated that the idiot wanted publicity. However, I doubt that even someone like Meyer, obviously not the brightest bulb in the package, would desire to get Tasered. He must’ve known the act would be videoed and broadcast around the world, which it was, but did he want to be seen flopping around like a dying flounder? Good way to get a date right.

Perhaps Meyer predicted everything that happened, except his being Tasered. Okay, Glen? But hey, let’s for the sake of argument say he did want to be Tasered too. Does what he wanted matter? If 5 security folks can’t subdue and eject an unarmed troublemaker without a Taser, then didn’t they screw up? Or did they, too, want their 15 minutes of fame and to hell with the possibility they might kill Meyer?

Now let’s move on to a question you would rather avoid answering publicly.

Why the hell don’t you and others like you who have the attention of millions of viewers give us a few minutes of real life hard core news? Not supermarket tabloid crap like a fool getting Tasered because his brain is located somewhere far below his torso’s equator. Just stick the real news segment in at the end, or like a real life break in the middle.

How about discussing this fact every American should know. Every 30 seconds the high cost of medical care drives one American into bankruptcy.

Or that ED drug being touted as the greatest thing since the discovery of aspirin might cause any of the following side effects (this is a greatly abbreviated list): Nervous System/Psychiatric: anorexia, apathy, appetite increased, confusion, depression aggravated, dizziness, hypertonia, nervousness, hypoesthesia, impotence, insomnia, migraine, migraine aggravated, paresthesia (hmm, maybe there‘s something in that list Meyer can use as a defense).

Oh, that’s right, Glen buddy, you can’t make a dime off of news, I mean real news. Oh, well, don’t worry, pal. There’ll be another worthless act of stupidity like Britney flashing the world, or that flaming burned out Hilton chick pretending she has a brain, or a Hollywood celebrity cursing at the cop who stopped him for drunk driving, or a politician with a too wide stance. Life in America is terrific!

Y’all are like the Wal-Mart of news: garbage in garbage out.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What Larry Craig might consider doing to save his, well, manhood

Hi, I’m Larry Craig. You know me. I’m a leading Republican Senator from the wonderful potato producing state of Idaho (mention potatoes here since it‘s a bread basket issue every mother thinks is important, you know, food? Don’t tell them you haven’t purchased potatoes in so long you cannot recall what they look like or how much they cost each).

As you all know, as a Republican I can be trusted to tell the truth (fail to add a link with GWB, since right now that would be like riding the devil’s coattails into the horror of political obscurity. And leave out Newt, Rush, and well, you get the idea).

But like any average American with nothing to hide, when confronted with an undercover police officer sitting in a stall at the local, or not, airport, I get nervous, and stare through the crack to try to let them know I‘m okay. I don’t know what it is about undercover cops, but they kinda scare me. I guess I’m just a little boy at heart, hahahaha.

So when I sat in the stall next to him, I spread my legs wide apart to ward off the potential of a confrontation. I know, I said I have a wide stance, but when nervous I make errors. There, I’ve said it.

And then when I glanced down after dropping a little corner from the toilet paper I tore loose, I couldn’t help myself. I had to pick it up. My mother taught me to be neat and I’ll admit that I’m a little compulsive too.

While leaning over, I noticed that the undercover cop’s shoe lace was untied. I had to notify him. If I don‘t, I wondered, how will I feel if he trips and breaks his neck? So I rubbed my middle finger along the bottom of the stall divider. I only used that finger because I was hesitant to use a finger I might need when I finished doing my business to clean up the spray, I mean, well, you know.

And the next thing I know, I’m being arrested for horrible deeds I would never dream of committing. God help me, I’m a Republican and we never sin! I read the Ten Commandments every single night, well except when I have a special friend over to the lakeside cabin and then God knows I mean it then too.

After the local newspaper confronted me about getting arrested for behaving in a way no God fearing Republican man would consider, I panicked and pled guilty to a crime I didn’t commit either. Please forgive me. Take me under the lapels of the Republican coat, and save my from myself.

‘Cause I wanna be trusted again. Larry Craig, your friend.

Friday, September 7, 2007

What is it about Michael Vicks and Jesus that seems out of whack?

How come a guy who spent his life becoming the best he could be would throw it away with an arrogant act of stupidity?

Perhaps we could ask Wide-Stanse Craig, but he hasn't come out and proclaimed that he found Jesus several months before he found the proper way to rub the bottom of a bathroom stall divider. And thank God for that!

But Vicks, well this guy is another story. He was a first class quarterback. He had everything any man or woman might want. But he also had a surprise that in the end included poor Jesus. The man liked to gamble on dog fights. Okay, I understand no one wants to rehash this crap over and over. Neither do I.

But he came out with this "I found Jesus" claim and when asked when he found Jesus, he said it was in May, I believe, which was several months before he found the joy of killing and drowning (I know they're one and the same) dogs with his bare hands!

Look, Pal, what the hell are you trying to say? Do you believe that Jesus is okay with dog killing? Do you think he was standing alongside you going, "Yeah, Michael, you're the man!" each time you body-slammed a dog? Held its head underwater and watched the bubbles slowly dwindle away to nothing? And how did watching that make you feel?

So this is what I think really happened.

Michael Vicks heard a ruckus in his backyard, dogs growling, barking, ready to fight to the death, only this wasn't a fight day.

"What could that be about?" Micheal asked. "Is someone outside stirring up trouble? Trying to break in and steal something, like my dogs?"

Bravely, Vicks ran outside and was shocked by what he found. Jesus was surrounded by snarling, growling dogs that had become Satan's demon horde.

With his bare hands, Michael Vicks killed those dogs and saved Jesus! So you see, when Michael Vicks said he found Jesus, he meant it in the most literal sense. He found Jesus and saved him too, and I say Hallelujah!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The True Bush Legacy - The Prince of Darkness is always a gentleman

Not long ago, people around the world looked to America as an example of the freedom they desired to call their own. The country was a beacon for the oppressed. Some died or risked death on barbed wire to escape and work their way to the United States. Americans were proud of what they represented and strove to provide assistance for the unfortunate at home and abroad.

Then the political winds in America shifted and withered freedom on the desert of religious intolerance as a new and narrowly focused group took power through corrupt manipulation of elections and with the wealth of corporations hungry to dominate American lives, to deplete American resources and fatten the calves of their personal greed.

Less than a decade later, the beacon once symbolized by Lady Liberty, has moved off American shores and across oceans. While at home, Americans struggle to live the lives of their fathers and are blinded by media that controls and occupies them with celebrity news, vile criminal activities, dress codes in Southern Cities. This growing and perverse practice suppresses individual rights with mind numbing simplicity and astonishing success.

Electronic gadgets flood American mentality with unnecessary chatter and images, digital violence, quick opportunities for instant wealth and fame, and young minds lose the hunger to explore the knowledge of the world around them, the possibilities once expected and accepted as normal for any American.

Americans look on the outside as they did before these changes, however there’s a noticeable difference, a different and desperate drive. The insatiable demand for food, entertainment, pleasure, not concern that life in America is being altered slowly into an oppressive theocracy run by the billionaire elite, held up by the hot air of promised wealth built on the intangible credit and hope that controls Wall Street and Main Street.

Instant gratification replaces Mom and apple pie, life expectancy declines, slovenly obesity, over gratification, and selfish expectation is the new image of America for the rest of the world.

Once you could walk down Main Street and taste freedom in the air, feel its life nourishing benefits in your mind and soul. Now, the NSA, FBI and who knows what other branch of government, can spy on any American at will without cause greater than vague suspicion, and a barbed wire nightmare wraps tightly around all Americans. It’s a slow relentless process that has succeeded with everything the new oppressors accomplished until now, and to those of us who love our country and the freedoms once freely available and defended through sacrifice and sharing, it is unendurable and must come to an abrupt end.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Why do some people hate cats, Linda C. of Voorhees, NJ?

I live in a resort area. Some locals decided we needed to do something about feral cats. They started a program named catch and release. They capture cats, have them neutered and release them back where they were captured. The program is working.

A recent visitor from Voorhees, New Jersey wrote a letter to the editor of the local newspaper stating the program also called trap-spay-release, is ineffective, that cats are decimating the songbird population in America, etc. etc. She claimed this statement could be verified by the American Bird Conservancy. Then she states how the American Bird Conservancy said cats wearing bells do not help protect wildlife.

Gag me if I'm wrong here, but the name trap-spay-release doesn't include a reference to putting bells on cats as if they might be Tiny Tims still tiptoeing through the tulips. Maybe in New Jersey the two ideas are somehow synonymous. I don't know, but I moved from there to here and don't recall such a reference in the Philly papers.

This all from a woman who lives in New Jersey, a state where builders are developing land at the rate of an acre an hour! And she wonders where all the songbirds have gone? Please!

Here is a fact you need to consider, ma'am. HUMAN encroachment into wildlife habitat is the leading, number one, biggest cause of the decline of the songbird population. Humans just like you! And you're from New Jersey and you don't see what is happening around you? It's called overpopulation by people who think trees are a nuisance, in the way, do nothing but take up space. How many trees are cut down in your state every day? There's something to research.

And you blame cats? When was the last time you saw a cat driving a bulldozer? Operating a chain saw? Hell, we could put bells on all the construction workers and that too wouldn't protect the American songbird population!

How about air pollution? Think a songbird's lungs can process the fumes pumped from the tens of thousands of SUVs running around you state? How about the exhaust from the thousands of trucks on the Turnpike? Or those wonderful North Jersey chemical plants, oil refineries?

Why in God's name do people like you blame the innocent for the actions of the guilty? The feral cat population in our region didn't start out as feral cats. People who visit this resort town left them behind, abandoned them when they return home. Students attending the local university did the same thing.

You people who abandon animals are not the problem?

Most of the locals who like cats, feed them. Sated cats do not hunt. Hungry ones do unlike humans who kill animals for sport, would kill songbirds if they were a bit larger.

Next time you're a guest somewhere, try to really understand the people who live there before howling about something you know so little about.

TRAP-SPAY-RELEASE and by the way, add a little bell to the cat's collar for good luck! I've never seen a feral cat with a collar! Wake up and look out your window in Voorhees, New Jersey. Are there any trees left?

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Oh, What wicked webs we weave, or Why the Manly Man isn’t Quite so Manly Anymore.

So, you think you’er as much of a man as you father, or grandfather? Think again, dude. Sperm count in the good old USA has dropped 68% since 1934! That’s right 68% and that is the stats up to 1996. At that rate, in another twenty years, men will no longer serve a useful function for Mother Nature.

No, that’s not all. There’s more bad news for men. That powerful hormone that drives your manliness? You know testosterone? A guy born in 1970 has 20% less at the age of 35 than his father or grandfather. By the time you men born since 1970 reach the age baby boomers are now, you’ll have as much male juice as a 70 or 80 year old guy from preceding generations.

Lastly is the size of the family jewels. They’re shrinking nearly as fast as prunes in the sun. There’s even a name for it: dysgenesis. To make it a little worse, testicular cancer is now the most common malignancy among Caucasian men in the USA between the ages of 18-35!!!!

This is all documented fact, dudes!

Why is this happening? Mother Nature’s not pissed off that much, right?

Do you enjoy sunbathing in NYC’s Central Park, or some grassy well kept park near you? Do you play golf? Do you walk you dog in parks maintained by a municipality, a school, university? If so, think pesticides. Particularly one with clorpyrifos, or organo-phosphate. They used to be in the stuff sold to any homeowner obsessed with lawn care. Now they’re only available to industrial users, like those guys who come around and spray crap on lawns across America.

Grow weeds instead, and let bugs enjoy life so you can be a little more manly.

Add to the list of testosterone depleting items one called phthalates used in soft gel rubber products from fishing lures to sex toys. Maybe kinky isn’t good sex after all. Maybe fishing really isn’t a sport.

Of course there’s the old reliable PCBs and dioxins which are in everything you eat and drink unless you’re into organic foods and treated water.

We all know about those hard nerve pinching bike seats, right? Too much causes permanent damage to the nerve needed for a happy and hard sex life.

Can’t live without the cell phone you clamp against your ear? Love your laptop? Your video games? Forget about radiation. Plastics have not so cool chemicals that damage DNA. Now that make radiation sound tame if you inquire and learn what those chemicals are and what they do.

There’s more, but I’ve written enough for now. Except for this. Is the lifestyle we live now really better that what was lived in 1970? Better medical care . . . If you can afford it (try getting elected to political office to solve that one), better meds . . . If you can afford them and if they’re tested enough to assure you they’re safe. Less pollution. Air and water certainly. But there is more drugs in the water you drink than you might imagine including birth control meds. Why? We are given doses too high to be used by the body so the balanced gets flushed down the toilet after every urinal visit.

Do something! Force elected officials to give a damn! Change you lifestyle and live longer, be more fruitful too.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

You are What you Eat ... duh!

Okay, here is a simple thought. You are what you eat. Well, what else could you be? Does anyone really believe that simple statement?

Disease is rampant, with more intestinal disorders ranging from ulcers to ulcerative colitis and a lot in between. The bacterial balance from the mouth to the final discharge point is vital to avoid most if not all diseases.

Processed and fast foods are chemical soups where the good bacteria loses and the ingredients the destructive bacteria thrive on is increased an made more potent. Those ingredients include sugars and fats.

And then there are the hidden gifts food growers and processors do not want us to know about, like growth hormones and paratuberculosis in beef cattle. And how about sterilized seeds? How do they do that? You think the process used will benefit your health? Is the grain as rich in natural nutrition? I doubt it!

Cancer cells love fat! The more of it you have the higher the odds of your getting cancer.

And let's dump as many pills into our systems each and every day as possible. Why? So we don't have to regulate our faltering lifestyles, change our eating habits and get the hell off our spreading butts and exercise.

You don't have time to exercise? How long do you wait in line at the fast food diner? How many times a week do you eat fast food? Exercise 30 minutes a day with a brisk walk. Get up early to do it?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

More on John Ringo's Ghost

John Ringo’s Ghost is a fictional representation a US Navy Seal, written and published during a war in which US Navy Seals confront an enemy both ruthless and determined to destroy anything American.

As a third generation American combat veteran, I want John Ringo to issue a public statement explaining his position on the pedophilic rape and sodomizing of a 15 year old slave girl his protagonist Mike Harmon buys for, obviously, his own brutality. He uses her instead of killing someone (pages 440-449) (which do you believe to be worse, Mr. Ringo?).

Does the author mean to condone such behavior? Does he in any way think these acts are something an ex-Seal might do, so wink wink, look the other way? Does the author understand that teenage boys read his books? Does he understand that many people who look on our great nation in a bad light might read this? Does he want them to think Baen Books and therefore the American mainstream publishing industry and through them, the rest of us agree with Ringo’s depiction of an Ex-Seal? To these people, like it nor not, fiction can and will be used as propaganda fact.

Ex-Seal or not, Ringo’s protagonist is not a man George W Bush (clearly portrayed as President Cliff) would back and encourage, let alone pay millions. In fact, linking approval of pedophilia to the US government even in a fictitious setting, is reprehensible.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

What is Science Fiction, Baen Books?

A famous science fiction writer, when asked what makes a story science fiction said the following:

You know a story is science fiction if when you remove the science, the story is no longer a story with a plot or characters moving the plot along. Well he said something like that.

What I'd like to know is why the editors at Baen Books failed to apply this test to all of their author's manuscripts. Is it that they don't care about contents as long as the writer is popular? Or has the Baen Books editorial staff decided science is not a requirement for science fiction?

I've always considered myself an open minded reader, and accepted that some science fiction will not fall into the slot without some tweaking. For me, techno-thrillers fall into this category.

When I searched the bookstore for an author I'd not yet read, I spotted a line of titles by John Ringo. Since I'd purchased a book by him from the remainder table a month earlier that was the third in a series, I wanted to get the first of that series. Its title is Ghost, an alleged techno-thriller.

I purchased Ghost with anticipation of a good read. I've read it, or as much of it as I could, and now I'm stuck with a garbage book I wouldn't give away.

Mike Harmon, John Ringo's apparent ideal American hero, is interested in one thing first and foremost, sex from the young college age women around him. He rescues a plane load of girls who were kidnapped, stripped naked and taken to the Middle East to be used as bargaining chips in an awful human game of chess.

What is foremost on the hero's mind? How he would like to have sex with them, regardless of their situation! He mentally ogles their bodies, imagines what he could do to enjoy his own brand of brutal sex. This occurs while he watches one young woman physically tortured in ways too horrible to include here.

So far, not a techno-thriller.

The second section of the book is an expose' on bondage, S&M, male domination. This all begins in John Ringo's hero's mind while he is unaware of the victims ages, but is too aware of their gender.

So far, not a techno-thriller.

The third and worst part of this collection of wasted ink and paper, includes the rape and sodomizing of a 15 year old girl in a foreign country. Ringo's hero buys her at a slave market, enjoys her pain and terror, enjoys his brutality, enjoys an act of pedophilia knowing that Ringo's fictitious US president Cliff (created with too much similarity to our current President) will bail him out. I guess John Ringo believes pedophile behavior is a good thing as long as it's done outside the USA. I doubt the President does.

Oh, yeah, lest I forget, Mike Harmon found 3 atomic bombs, got exposed to enough radiation to make him impotent (but of course he isn't, how could he continue abusing women if he was?), and got paid millions by the government for his exploits.

Sorry, pal, this is not a techno-thriller, it's not science fiction. It's trash!

All readers of science fiction should avoid this author like the plague if he thinks promoting pedophile behavior, rape and sodomy in fiction or otherwise is good reading.

This is not a techno-thriller. Mike Harmon, were he a real person, would be in prison for a long long time.

Feeding Toddlers to avoid Obesity

How to feed toddlers healthy food.

Go to McDonalds alone. Buy 10 Happy Meals. Discard all food items.
Thoroughly wash and save all wrappers and containers. When dry, use the wrapper and containers for healthy food. Put carrot slices in the French fry bag; a healthy organic entree -- child size portion please -- in the burger wrapper; sliced fruit in the dessert wrapper; and organic juice in the drink cup.

A new study found that our tiny uneducated kids aren't clever enough to tell the difference between what's good to eat and what's fast food garbage that will guarantee their destinies a ride into obesity and diabetes. All these little tykes care about is the wrappers. They do not care what you put in the wrappers (staggers the imagination).

Take this limited time opportunity to redirect your child's eating habits and, if nothing else comes to mind, save yourself a fortune on future doctor's visits.

Gives one pause doesn't it? Would the same effort work with gaudy cereal boxes, cookie boxes? God forbid, could we save the next generation from the diseases crippling those before them?

Obesity is the leading cause of death in America. Now that's freedom of choice, right? If you want to eat yourself into an early grave and leave your family a pile of paupers in your wake, you've become a member of the largest (no pun intended) and fastest growing (no pun intended here either) statistical group of our population.

Airlines are redesigning seating and charging the obese a double rate. Talk about super-sizing!

Now I know some of the obese have medical conditions such as thyroid problems, so this is not about you unless you don't take your doctor's advice and eat an appropriate diet.

The rest of you who think you can eat fifty pounds of garbage a day and live a long and glorious life need to postpone long term future plans (like next year's super bowl or tailgate party), 'cause long term isn't a phrase that will continue to work in your vocabulary.

And do you really honestly truly think those of us who have to drive behind an obese couple on a Harley find the experience titillating, or God forbid exciting in some perverse way?

Please, if you must expose that much flesh do it at home in front of a full length mirror. Better still, take a photo of yourself nude and stare at it, with the light on. Then the next time you climb ponderously onto a motorcycle, remember that photo and try to imagine what you look like to the person behind you!

And don't wear a helmet, that might make you look as if you care about some part of your anatomy like what's living inside your skull telling you it's time to eat every five seconds.

Better yet, try the above mentioned trick with McDonald food wrappers, maybe it will work with you too and save the rest of us from the escalating costs of your health care!