Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Why defend George W Bush?

I imagine you thought I was going to do just that. I’m not. What I want to write about, and since this is my blog, will write about, is why some Americans need to defend Bush.

Let’s say that you, like me, are a war veteran. After 9/11, you, like me, wanted to re-up put the uniform on and head straight to Afghanistan. Even if we had both succeeded in getting back into the military in 2001, we wouldn’t have gotten what we wanted. Sure, some troops were sent there to chase and capture the bad guys, but not enough and without a clear mission order to succeed in wiping Bin Laden and his followers from the planet with the great big effective squeegee our military can be when allowed.

Allowed is the word we must look at now. Why wasn’t the military allowed to do the job the right way when we knew the placement of the enemy’s lair? Why did we allow the untrained, and possibly Bin Laden friendly Afghan military be sent in place of a large American force? You say they weren’t Bin Laden friendly just incompetent? And you’re certain of that? Was the Afghan military responsible for firing cruise missiles and dropping bombs to level the mountain strongholds where Bin Laden hid? Congratulations, you’re correct, they were not. Bush was responsible for overseeing the task, the war against terrorism, and he failed.

Why did George fail? He is militarily incompetent. He is a man who donned the uniform of the Air National Guard to avoid a trip to a combat zone where, God forbid, he might’ve had to face enemy fire while defending the principles America was founded on. George W Bush was unwilling to follow in his father’s footsteps, or do anything more than make a token gesture regarding such a defense. Then, to add Bush insult to injury, he skipped out, went AWOL for a year and thanks to his father and grandfather managed to get himself an honorable discharge too. How in God’s name could an incompetent know how to conduct a war? Through subterfuge.

Subterfuge? Yes. You see, the plan sponsored by Dick Cheney and those who supported him, was always Iraq. Bin Laden opened the door wide for the invasion they had begun planning in 2000 or earlier. But they had a secret weapon. They had the best propaganda team to hit the airwaves, the TV news, and the Internet that money could buy. And they had tons of cash from corporations ready willing and able to rush in behind our troops to take over and own, or run Iraq. They convinced a majority of Americas that Bin Laden and the Iraqi leadership were bosom buddies. The rest is dreadful history.

Now back to my original question.

Why do some people need to defend George W Bush? This one is simple to answer. A lot of veterans and strongly conservative, religious people with good hearts and minds slowly learned they’d been duped. Many, but not most of those Bush followers changed direction and began questioning the logic of the invasion. However, there are some, now a minority of those who supported the invasion, who cannot bring themselves to admit even to the face in the mirror that the man they believed was put in the White House through some kind of Divine Intervention had manipulated and lied to us all. These good honest hardworking Americans still don’t believe it and most never will accept the facts as they stand. There were no WMDs, no Bin Laden ties, nothing to justify invading Iraq. God bless them all, but the Grinch stole the White House in 2000 and then dismantled the country around it.

Now it’s up to history to tell the truth, and then maybe all of us will face the fact that we were had and Bush, Cheney and their supporters are a lot richer for the invasion, leaving the rest of us a lot poorer because of it. Their true legacy is their attempt to turn the United States of America into a third world country dependent on the likes of Wal-Mart and China.

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