Thursday, August 16, 2007

You are What you Eat ... duh!

Okay, here is a simple thought. You are what you eat. Well, what else could you be? Does anyone really believe that simple statement?

Disease is rampant, with more intestinal disorders ranging from ulcers to ulcerative colitis and a lot in between. The bacterial balance from the mouth to the final discharge point is vital to avoid most if not all diseases.

Processed and fast foods are chemical soups where the good bacteria loses and the ingredients the destructive bacteria thrive on is increased an made more potent. Those ingredients include sugars and fats.

And then there are the hidden gifts food growers and processors do not want us to know about, like growth hormones and paratuberculosis in beef cattle. And how about sterilized seeds? How do they do that? You think the process used will benefit your health? Is the grain as rich in natural nutrition? I doubt it!

Cancer cells love fat! The more of it you have the higher the odds of your getting cancer.

And let's dump as many pills into our systems each and every day as possible. Why? So we don't have to regulate our faltering lifestyles, change our eating habits and get the hell off our spreading butts and exercise.

You don't have time to exercise? How long do you wait in line at the fast food diner? How many times a week do you eat fast food? Exercise 30 minutes a day with a brisk walk. Get up early to do it?

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