Thursday, September 20, 2007

The dark crevices of Glen Beck's mind and Tasers

Glen Beck declared the student Andrew Meyer who got himself Tasered by campus police and arrested, after repeatedly shouting questions to U.S. Senator John Kerry during a campus forum, did it as a publicity stunt. Beck claimed that Meyer wanted to get Tasered.

Well gee whiz, Glen, if that’s true, do you also believe Meyer was clever enough to research what might happen if he got Tasered? 50,000 volts of hot juice fired through his nervous system. I’ll bet he would’ve done some research if he wanted that type of publicity. Wouldn’t you, Glen?

And if you and Meyer did the same internet search and found the same information as I, then you’d both know some folks have died from being Tasered. Now that, Glen, is what I call really really desperate for publicity. Listen, Glen, what the hell good is publicity if you’re not going to be around after the Tasering to bask in the glow (No pun intended there)?

What I think, Glen is that you’re correct when you stated that the idiot wanted publicity. However, I doubt that even someone like Meyer, obviously not the brightest bulb in the package, would desire to get Tasered. He must’ve known the act would be videoed and broadcast around the world, which it was, but did he want to be seen flopping around like a dying flounder? Good way to get a date right.

Perhaps Meyer predicted everything that happened, except his being Tasered. Okay, Glen? But hey, let’s for the sake of argument say he did want to be Tasered too. Does what he wanted matter? If 5 security folks can’t subdue and eject an unarmed troublemaker without a Taser, then didn’t they screw up? Or did they, too, want their 15 minutes of fame and to hell with the possibility they might kill Meyer?

Now let’s move on to a question you would rather avoid answering publicly.

Why the hell don’t you and others like you who have the attention of millions of viewers give us a few minutes of real life hard core news? Not supermarket tabloid crap like a fool getting Tasered because his brain is located somewhere far below his torso’s equator. Just stick the real news segment in at the end, or like a real life break in the middle.

How about discussing this fact every American should know. Every 30 seconds the high cost of medical care drives one American into bankruptcy.

Or that ED drug being touted as the greatest thing since the discovery of aspirin might cause any of the following side effects (this is a greatly abbreviated list): Nervous System/Psychiatric: anorexia, apathy, appetite increased, confusion, depression aggravated, dizziness, hypertonia, nervousness, hypoesthesia, impotence, insomnia, migraine, migraine aggravated, paresthesia (hmm, maybe there‘s something in that list Meyer can use as a defense).

Oh, that’s right, Glen buddy, you can’t make a dime off of news, I mean real news. Oh, well, don’t worry, pal. There’ll be another worthless act of stupidity like Britney flashing the world, or that flaming burned out Hilton chick pretending she has a brain, or a Hollywood celebrity cursing at the cop who stopped him for drunk driving, or a politician with a too wide stance. Life in America is terrific!

Y’all are like the Wal-Mart of news: garbage in garbage out.

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