Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Feeding Toddlers to avoid Obesity

How to feed toddlers healthy food.

Go to McDonalds alone. Buy 10 Happy Meals. Discard all food items.
Thoroughly wash and save all wrappers and containers. When dry, use the wrapper and containers for healthy food. Put carrot slices in the French fry bag; a healthy organic entree -- child size portion please -- in the burger wrapper; sliced fruit in the dessert wrapper; and organic juice in the drink cup.

A new study found that our tiny uneducated kids aren't clever enough to tell the difference between what's good to eat and what's fast food garbage that will guarantee their destinies a ride into obesity and diabetes. All these little tykes care about is the wrappers. They do not care what you put in the wrappers (staggers the imagination).

Take this limited time opportunity to redirect your child's eating habits and, if nothing else comes to mind, save yourself a fortune on future doctor's visits.

Gives one pause doesn't it? Would the same effort work with gaudy cereal boxes, cookie boxes? God forbid, could we save the next generation from the diseases crippling those before them?

Obesity is the leading cause of death in America. Now that's freedom of choice, right? If you want to eat yourself into an early grave and leave your family a pile of paupers in your wake, you've become a member of the largest (no pun intended) and fastest growing (no pun intended here either) statistical group of our population.

Airlines are redesigning seating and charging the obese a double rate. Talk about super-sizing!

Now I know some of the obese have medical conditions such as thyroid problems, so this is not about you unless you don't take your doctor's advice and eat an appropriate diet.

The rest of you who think you can eat fifty pounds of garbage a day and live a long and glorious life need to postpone long term future plans (like next year's super bowl or tailgate party), 'cause long term isn't a phrase that will continue to work in your vocabulary.

And do you really honestly truly think those of us who have to drive behind an obese couple on a Harley find the experience titillating, or God forbid exciting in some perverse way?

Please, if you must expose that much flesh do it at home in front of a full length mirror. Better still, take a photo of yourself nude and stare at it, with the light on. Then the next time you climb ponderously onto a motorcycle, remember that photo and try to imagine what you look like to the person behind you!

And don't wear a helmet, that might make you look as if you care about some part of your anatomy like what's living inside your skull telling you it's time to eat every five seconds.

Better yet, try the above mentioned trick with McDonald food wrappers, maybe it will work with you too and save the rest of us from the escalating costs of your health care!

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