Friday, January 8, 2010

How has so much hatred replaced what was good about Christianity?

How has so much hatred replaced what was good about Christianity? When and why did so many Christians not see the division in the path and turn to follow the evil crafted by abusers?

Why do these followers now shout praises for division, isolation, destruction, and pain? Is it possible to restore faith to Christianity without bleeding faith itself? I fear it is not possible.

A letter to the editor of our local newspaper, The Sun News, illustrated what I mean somewhat more succinctly if not totally.

The letter was written in response to local columnist Isaac Bailey's article criticizing a resolution proposed in the U.S. Congress by Congressman Henry Brown. Brown's resolution #951 declared that the U.S. Congress should recognize the importance of Christmas.

To me this resolution implies that Congress, and therefore the federal government, should get directly involved in religion. Since the U.S. Constitution defines the importance of the separation of church and state, it seemed odd that Brown would propose it. Isaac Bailey was correct.

Although, perhaps Mr. Brown thought federal and state governments should begin to collect taxes for religious organizations. Many religions dabble in government anyway. So why not? We all need the money.

However, in Mr. Brandmahl's letter, he screams at us readers. Ranting and raving about "Christian haters launching a broadside to abolish the Christian religion." What?

This in response to Mr. Bailey's column. It's difficult to imagine.

Brandmahl then proceeds to spew tirades about infidels, and, well, I won't go on with it. It's the same old same old. I'm certain the entire letter is available at the paper's website if you want the full experience.

Of course, one might wonder why a newspaper publishes religious letters like this on nearly a daily basis. On the other hand, perhaps not if you consider the source. Once, in the not too distant past, newspapers had the audacity to publish news and letters concerning such. What were they thinking?

To me, Mr. Brandmahl sounds frightened that if enough people disavow Christianity, it will suddenly disappear in a cloud of smoke along with his afterlife sanctuary Heaven. To further his cause, he uses the typical anger and yes, hatred that Christianity originally meant to abolish.

Therefore, I ask you this, Mr. Brandmahl. Hasn't enough blood, been shed throughout 2000 years of Christian history? Enough innocents -- many of them Christians -- killed for their ignorance or unwillingness to follow blindly the commands of a few mortal men seeking power and wealth when to do so violates the sanctuary of personal beliefs and faith? I dare say that it seems not.

In reality, Christianity has slid into the trap set by certain church leaders whose reasoning is based on a hunger for power, fame, and wealth, just as in the past. All those are traits that Christianity originally meant to abolish.

There is nothing attractive in this. In addition, if an organization or religion cannot attract followers without using fear and anger, which I realize worked for Christianity for much of these last 2000 years, it will only turn others away.

However, Mr. Brandmahl and others like him vilify faith with their vitriolic diatribes and in doing so prove the point that those who believe Christianity is wrong try to make.

Jesus said, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Didn't he, Mr. Brandmahl? Maybe it's time for you and others who think attack attack is the only way to save your religion should start with the man in the mirror. However, you will not, will you?

Here is a closing thought.

Faith is not fear. Faith is not hatred. Faith is not punishment nor is it condemnation. Faith is acceptance, peace, and love. And of course, faith is not religion.

True Christians should demand inclusion of all, not exclusion of any. Christianity is about acceptance, peace, and love.

Anything less is not Christian but is heretical rubbish.

Therefore, Mr. Brandmahl and others like you, keep your rage and hatred for yourself. As long as you and they speak and write letters such as yours, you will continue to drive the faithful away, which makes your toils self-fulfilling. Doesn't it? It's a shame really.

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