Saturday, January 23, 2010

Christian Right's "Cold" Civil War

In spite of what the American conservative right desires we believe, their rhetoric has become clear. The truth of their deception is vastly different from their professed goals.

Led by an obese drug abuser, and Holy men who condemn in others the behavior they practice, corporation CEOs, U.S. senators and congresspersons who channel their political lust for power and personal gain, threaten national security, and sound economic recovery.

How long before they succeed depends on the number of Americans who listen and believe while these abhorrent men and women cleverly work their hidden agenda, a silent civil war, and a true regional division of the Union.

I believe this plan began with the introduction of Rush Limbaugh and the rampaging lies of Newt Gingrich, building to a mouth foaming crescendo when good Americans, those "Got Damned Yankees" had the audacity to elect a black man as president.

As proof think about this: never before in this nation's history has so many "Leaders" social, religious, political, and business, expended so much time and resources condemning and striving to destroy a president during his first year in office. This president broke no laws, morally, ethically, or legally. This president "inherited" the worst economic crisis in more than 70 years, a nation divided over the invasion of Iraq, a housing and employment disaster, runaway healthcare costs, and never once lost his sense of direction or expressed anger at those fighting bitterly to tear him down.

Moreover, the men and women "leaders" predominantly from the "Deep South," the very deep dank swamp mentality south, will not stop until they either succeed or are driven from office. They do not care how many American lives are destroyed or how many Americans die. They feed on the hidden racism that festers in the under-educated, the fear-filled tea-partiers, and the gullible led by rabidly religious Old Testament Christian ministers, pastors, and priests.

The latter solution, driving these bitterly hate-filled conservatives from office, will likely never happen. Therefore, the verbal civil war is shoved along like the proverbial boulder an ancient god rolled uphill. If they and their agenda are not stopped, they may end the American dream once and for all. Of course, there is the possibility that the gravity of commonsense will respond and roll down hill crushing them all.

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