Monday, April 7, 2008

Trillion Dollar Debt

Total deficit since the founding of America is $9 Trillion. Half was incurred when a Bush was president and 20% more was added by President Reagan. 70% was incurred by REPUBLICAN administrations! The 3 of them submitted 19 budgets, but only 2 of the 19 were balanced!

Senator McCain has Phil Gramm, the once Texas Senator turned lobbyist for Swiss bank USB, a corporation that wrote down $37 billion in bad mortgage loans over the past six months, for his domestic advisor (think Treasury Secretary if McCain gets elected).

Got debt? Want even more? Gas prices too high? Want them higher? Food costs escalating? Want more? Health care costs keeping you from visiting the doctor? Want it higher? More American jobs in China? Count on it. Counting on SSI? Don’t count on it, but count on all of the former if you vote for McCain come November -- or should we say McBush, for more of the same and less of the middle class.

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