Thursday, November 12, 2009

The GOP (Republican) healthcare plan: Human Sacrifice?

Let’s face it, if the Republican Party has its way the following people will be in a position of either paying for their own health care out-of-pocket, filing bankruptcy, or dying.

The uninsured, those with preexisting conditions, the disabled, the elderly, some veterans, the under-insured, those with a BMI higher that normal, the obese, newly arrived immigrants, undocumented immigrants.

Excluding these people is the modern equivalent of human sacrifice.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Corporate Christians, the New Gospel

I feel as if I am stepping off into a quagmire engaging in a discussion about religion.

A person very dear to me awoke in the middle of the night frightened that she is living in a Godless world. I disagree but believe I understand her.

For me the world has nothing to do with Godlessness. Godlessness is a personal decision. The choice of faith is individual. Faith and religion do not walk the Earth hand in hand.

Religion is a tool for teaching. However, like any tool ever invented by men, it will only work as conceived when properly applied to the task it was designed for.

Therefore, I must sever faith from all forms of religion, especially those religions manipulated for profit.

Faith is that which guides each of us to live a life with meaning. Amassing personal wealth is not meaningful. It might provide a sense of security and power over others, but neither is truly meaningful.

Security is not boundless, as many of us have experienced twice since the year 2000. Wealth investments disappear overnight. Homes are robbed, burned to the ground and possessions are gone.

Power over other people can be removed when the people who are oppressed by the powerful decide they have had enough. Review history for hundreds of examples.

Now let's jump head first into the quagmire of religion.

Currently, the predominant sect of Christianity in the United States is Corporate Christianity and I do not mean corporations themselves. I mean kneeling praying men and women.

Large corporations that control the country's wealth use their nearly unlimited resources to pervert messages that will, if those messages succeed, directly and adversely affect their bottom line.

These corporations direct their efforts to those they know will follow their directives if corporations can tailor their messages cleverly enough with a religious or moral twist.

Here in America, for the previous two to three decades, morality dominated elections, and influenced outcomes. Everything from flag burning to gay marriage. I imagine with time and effort that one could find a moral issue using every letter of the alphabet.

Likewise, I imagine that corporations would be pleased to accomplish that task giving them ammunition to shoot down anything that smells like anti-profit and anti-mega bonuses.

It is not as if Corporate Christians are uneducated, or poor. It is not as if Corporate Christians are naïve, or gullible. Corporate Christians are doubtful and starved for guidance. It seems that for them, they fear making decisions without a religious leader's advice and guidance. Notice I said religious leader.

The religious leader of our local church takes home around $120,000.00 per year. Jesus took home $0.00 in his lifetime. Oh, sure, religious leaders live in Corporate America too, so they must have an income. Oh, did I tell you that this religious leader also gets the use of a $350,000.00 home with all utilities paid? He gets an allowance for his transportation too.

True faith does not require a leader. It requires faith and a true desire to live a meaningful life. Total cost? $0.00.

Who has more faith: the local minister earning $120,000.00 plus expenses? Or Jesus? Yet Corporate Christians turn to the religious leader for advice and guidance. Why?

How does all of this relate to corporations driving Corporate Christians' morality? Religion must produce an income. Its leaders and spokespersons must bring in followers. Religious institutions accept donations, sometimes massive ones, often from wealthy members with agendas. These donors craft church policy through church related activities. This is simplistic, but meant as an example only. There are many other ways to control religious leaders.

So, if a religious leader proclaims that flag burning is against the teaching of the Bible, which does not actually teach anything about it, and his followers go home and see online, in the news or wherever that some people think flag burning is protected by free speech, they rally against these heathens, form committees and organize rallies, and on and on.

Now, you might be thinking that people need a guiding hand or they would never even think of being faithful. Yet, they have the Bible. Ah, therein lies the caveat. The Bible was written and rewritten many times, so who knows if anything written there is completely accurate, right?

Again, Corporate Christians step in to save the day. They reinterpret the Bible to fit their needs. For them Thou Shalt Not Kill becomes Thou Shalt Not Commit Murder.

So Corporate Christians drive forward with a message older than the Bible. Greed is good, greed is God's will. Is it really?

What about the Temple moneychangers? What about the golden Idol that infuriated Moses? What about the Teacher who healed the sick, and the blind for free? What about the Teacher Jesus who declared that all people were welcomed into his ministry? Were these leaders, Teachers wrong, was Jesus wrong?

Apparently, according to Corporate Christians they were not only wrong, but also no longer have a role to play in modern religion except lip service to the poor.

No the world is not Godless. People who are driven to control others are Godless. People who think it's acceptable to allow a human being to suffer because they cannot afford healthcare are Godless. People who put wealth before meaningful purpose are Godless.

Corporate Christians are Godless.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Secession and what it means for Texans.

You know, if Texas had the decency to secede in 1999, the rest of us would not be living in a Bush recession right now. We would not have invaded Iraq, saving Americans thousands of lives and billions of dollars. The financial meltdown would not have happened either. Tom Delay would be nobody. Dick Cheney would be a spent CEO. We’d all be saying George Who? Dick Who?

Why didn’t you get out when it would’ve done the rest of us some good? So, now you want to go? Okay, it will still save Americans billions a year. In ten years, we’ll have a balanced budget. Think we’ll miss you? Not really.

Now, here is what you’ll give up. I realize this is a long list, but you should know the facts before you vote for secession. Unlike what the corporate CEOs and politicians of your state will tell you, I‘m giving it to you straight from the hip. Pow! you go; the rest of us win big time. So please, Texas, Alaska, and any other state in the union, do not hesitate, do not pass GO and you will not collect $200.00 on the way out, but we will!

Please read the note at the bottom.

* Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
* Administration for Native Americans
* Administration on Aging (AoA)
* Administration on Developmental Disabilities
* Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
* Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
* Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
* Agency for International Development
* Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
* Agricultural Marketing Service
* Agricultural Research Service
* Agriculture Department (USDA)
* Air Force
* Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (Treasury)
* Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau (Justice)
* American Battle Monuments Commission
* AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
* Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
* Archives (National Archives and Records Administration)
* Armed Forces Retirement Home
* Arms Control and International Security
* Army
* Army Corps of Engineers
* Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Committee
* Bankruptcy Courts
* Broadcasting Board of Governors (Voice of America, RadioTV Marti and more)
* Bureau of Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade (Treasury)
* Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (Justice)
* Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (DHS)
* Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
* Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
* Bureau of Industry and Security (formerly the Bureau of Export Administration)
* Bureau of International Labor Affairs
* Bureau of Justice Statistics
* Bureau of Labor Statistics
* Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
* Bureau of Prisons
* Bureau of Public Debt
* Bureau of Reclamation
* Bureau of the Census
* Bureau of Transportation Statistics
* Census Bureau
* Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
* Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
* Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (formerly the Health Care Financing Administration)
* Central Command (CENTCOM)
* Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
* Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
* Citizenship and Immigration Services Bureau (formerly Immigration and Naturalization Service)
* Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
* Coast Guard
* Commerce Department
* Commission of Fine Arts
* Commission on Civil Rights
* Commission on International Religious Freedom
* Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US CERT)
* Congress
* Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
* Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service
* Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
* Copyright Office
* Corporation for National and Community Service
* Corps of Engineers
* Council of Economic Advisers
* Council on Environmental Quality
* Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
* Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
* Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
* Court of Federal Claims
* Court of International Trade
* Customs and Border Protection
* Department of Agriculture (USDA)
* Department of Commerce (DOC)
* Department of Defense (DOD)
* Department of Defense Inspector General
* Department of Education (ED)
* Department of Energy (DOE)
* Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
* Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
* Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
* Department of Justice (DOJ)
* Department of Labor (DOL)
* Department of State (DOS)
* Department of the Interior (DOI)
* Department of the Treasury
* Department of Transportation (DOT)
* Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
* Director of National Intelligence
* Disability Employment Policy Office
* Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
* Economic Analysis, Bureau of
* Economic Development Administration
* Economic Research Service
* Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs (State Department)
* Economics & Statistics Administration
* Education Department (ED)
* Election Assistance Commission
* Elementary and Secondary Education
* Employee Benefits Security Administration (formerly Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration)
* Employment and Training Administration (Labor Department)
* Employment Standards Administration
* Endangered Species Committee
* Energy Department (DOE)
* Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
* Energy Information Administration
* Environmental Management (Energy Department)
* Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
* Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
* Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
* Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Office
* Farm Credit Administration
* Farm Service Agency
* Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
* Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
* Federal Bureau of Prisons
* Federal Citizen Information Center (FCIC)
* Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
* Federal Consulting Group
* Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
* Federal Election Commission
* Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
* Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
* Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
* Federal Financing Bank
* Federal Geographic Data Committee
* Federal Highway Administration
* Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
* Federal Housing Finance Board
* Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds
* Federal Interagency Committee on Education
* Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy
* Federal Judicial Center
* Federal Labor Relations Authority
* Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer
* Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
* Federal Library and Information Center Committee
* Federal Maritime Commission
* Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
* Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
* Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
* Federal Railroad Administration
* Federal Reserve System
* Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
* Federal Student Aid
* Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
* Federal Transit Administration
* Federated States of Micronesia Home Page
* Financial Management Service (Treasury Department)
* Fish and Wildlife Service
* Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
* Food and Nutrition Service
* Food Safety and Inspection Service
* Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services
* Forest Service
* Fossil Energy
* General Services Administration (GSA)
* Geological Survey (USGS)
* Global Affairs (State Department)
* Government Accountability Office (GAO)
* Government National Mortgage Association
* Government Printing Office (GPO)
* Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
* Health and Human Services Department (HHS)
* Health Resources and Services Administration
* Homeland Security Department (DHS)
* House of Representatives
* House of Representatives Committees
* House Office of Inspector General
* Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD)
* Housing Office (HUD)
* Immigration and Customs Enforcement
* Immigration and Naturalization Service (Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services)
* Indian Affairs, Bureau of
* Indian Arts and Crafts Board
* Indian Health Service
* Industrial College of the Armed Forces
* Industry and Security, Bureau of (formerly the Bureau of Export Administration)
* Information Resource Management College
* Innovation and Improvement Office
* Institute of Education Sciences
* Institute of Museum and Library Services
* Institute of Peace
* Inter-American Foundation
* Interagency Alternative Dispute Resolution Working Group
* Interagency Council on Homelessness
* Interior Department
* Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
* International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB)
* International Labor Affairs, Bureau of
* International Trade Administration (ITA)
* International Trade Commission
* Judicial Circuit Courts of Appeal, by Geographic Location and Circuit
* Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation
* Justice Department
* Justice Programs Office (Juvenile Justice, Victims of Crime, Violence Against Women and more)
* Justice Statistics, Bureau of
* Labor Department (DOL)
* Labor Statistics, Bureau of
* Land Management, Bureau of
* Lead Hazard Control (Housing and Urban Development Department)
* Legal Services Corporation
* Library of Congress
* Marine Corps
* Marine Mammal Commission
* Maritime Administration
* Marketing and Regulatory Programs (Agriculture Department)
* Marshals Service
* Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
* Migratory Bird Conservation Commission
* Military Postal Service Agency
* Millennium Challenge Corporation
* Mine Safety and Health Administration
* Minerals Management Service
* Minority Business Development Agency
* Mint (Treasury Department)
* Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
* Multifamily Housing Office
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
* National Agricultural Statistics Service
* National AIDS Policy Office
* National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
* National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare
* National Capital Planning Commission
* National Cemetery Administration (Veterans Affairs Department)
* National Constitution Center
* National Council on Disability
* National Counterintelligence Executive, Office of
* National Credit Union Administration
* National Defense University
* National Drug Intelligence Center
* National Economic Council
* National Endowment for the Arts
* National Endowment for the Humanities
* National Gallery of Art
* National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
* National Guard
* National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
* National Indian Gaming Commission
* National Institute for Literacy
* National Institute of Justice
* National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
* National Institutes of Health (NIH)
* National Interagency Fire Center
* National Labor Relations Board
* National Laboratories (Energy Department)
* National Marine Fisheries
* National Mediation Board
* National Nuclear Security Administration
* National Ocean Service
* National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
* National Park Foundation
* National Park Service
* National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK)
* National Reconnaissance Office
* National Science Foundation
* National Security Agency (NSA)
* National Security Council
* National Technical Information Service
* National Telecommunications and Information Administration
* National Transportation Safety Board
* National War College
* National Weather Service
* Natural Resources Conservation Service
* Navy
* Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology
* Nuclear Regulatory Commission
* Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
* Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
* Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
* Office of Compliance
* Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
* Office of Government Ethics
* Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
* Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
* Office of Personnel Management
* Office of Refugee Resettlement
* Office of Science and Technology Policy
* Office of Scientific and Technical Information
* Office of Special Counsel
* Office of Thrift Supervision
* Overseas Private Investment Corporation
* Pacific Command
* Pardon Attorney Office
* Parole Commission (Justice Department)
* Patent and Trademark Office
* Peace Corps
* Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration (now the Employee Benefits Security Administration)
* Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
* Pentagon Force Protection Agency
* Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
* Policy Development and Research (Housing and Urban Development Department)
* Political Affairs (State Department)
* Postal Regulatory Commission
* Postal Service (USPS)
* Postsecondary Education
* Power Administrations
* Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office
* Program Executive Office, Ships
* Public and Indian Housing
* Public Debt, Bureau of
* Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (State Department)
* Radio and TV Marti (Español)
* Radio Free Asia (RFA)
* Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL)
* Railroad Retirement Board
* Reclamation, Bureau of
* Refugee Resettlement
* Regulatory Information Service Center
* Rehabilitation Services Administration (Education Department)
* Research and Innovative Technology Administration (Transportation Department)
* Research, Education and Economics (Agriculture Department)
* Risk Management Agency (Agriculture Department)
* Rural Business-Cooperative Service
* Rural Development
* Rural Housing Service
* Rural Utilities Service
* Science Office (Energy Department)
* Secret Service
* Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
* Selective Service System
* Senate
* Small Business Administration (SBA)
* Smithsonian Institution
* Social Security Administration (SSA)
* Social Security Advisory Board
* Southern Command
* Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
* Special Forces Operations Command
* State Justice Institute
* Strategic Command
* Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
* Superfund Basic Research Program
* Supreme Court of the United States
* Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement
* Surface Transportation Board
* Tax Court
* Taxpayer Advocacy Panel
* Transportation Command
* Transportation Department (DOT)
* Transportation Security Administration
* Transportation Statistics, Bureau of
* Treasury Department
* TRICARE Management
* Trustee Program (Justice Department)
* U.S. Border Patrol (now Customs and Border Protection)
* U.S. Capitol Visitor Center
* U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
* U.S. Customs and Border Protection
* U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
* U.S. International Trade Commission
* U.S. Military Academy, West Point
* U.S. Mint
* U.S. Mission to the United Nations
* U.S. National Central Bureau - Interpol (Justice Department)
* U.S. Postal Service (USPS)
* U.S. Sentencing Commission
* U.S. Trade and Development Agency
* U.S. Trade Representative
* Unified Combatant Commands (Defense Department)
* Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
* Veterans Affairs Department (VA)
* Veterans Benefits Administration
* Veterans Day National Committee
* Veterans Health Administration
* Veterans' Employment and Training Service
* Vietnam Educational Foundation
* Vocational and Adult Education
* Voice of America (VOA)
* White House
* White House Commission on Presidential Scholars
* White House Commission on the National Moment of Remembrance
* White House Office of Administration
* State Department

What do you get in exchange?

Higher infant mortality. Lowered life expectancy. Senior citizens living on the streets. The disabled dying for lack of services. What was that? You’ll take care of it all? How will you pay for it? Raise taxes? Oh, I know, the CEO of the remaining Health Insurance company will offer special discounts. Right!

But wait! Look what else you’ll get.

Tens of thousands of militiamen and their families looking for life after the ashes. Good luck and good night. Could be your apocalypse. And God love ya.
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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina Rips Off Medicare

Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina overcharged Medicare 6 million dollars to pay for executive pensions. This in one of the states with the highest number of uninsured, one of the worst overall health care systems in the country. However, BCBS CEO is one of the best-paid and financially compensated HMO executives in America.

Friday, August 7, 2009


USPS why save it?

I had planned to contact USPS to express my concerns regarding shipping costs.

At their main site,, I needed to fill in a page or two of personal data first. At the gallup poll site recommend by the local post office, you must give them you zip code + four, which tells these strangers all of your personal data.

I'm guessing that privacy is not something USPS considers important.

This makes me wonder if the USPS $800,000 dollar a year CEO wants USPS to fail.

This is what I wanted to send.

USPS is pricing itself out of business and taking many small businesses with it. Online sellers depend on USPS or UPS for shipping.

In the previous three years, USPS has (during the worst recession in 70 years) increased shipping cost several times. International shipping as much as 500%. When the latter happened, we lost 50% of our international customers overnight. We have not regained the numbers we lost, which means USPS has not regained the business either. This is not sustainable.

Every time USPS raised first class mail prices, more people switch to email and online bill paying.

Standard rate shipping now costs pennies less than priority mail, which is too costly. We are again losing business, and are looking into switching to UPS. Customers are not stupid. They now calculate shipping costs into the price of goods and buy accordingly.

Every time USPS loses a small business shipper like us, it steps closer to the end for USPS.

I realize that the MBA model of business states that prices must be raised to compensate for lost revenue. That model fails more often than it succeeds.

USPS should lower prices across the board, announce the new pricing and I think business will begin to increase. Simultaneously, layoff white-collar employees. Small post offices do not need two or more supervisors, and I am certain, as a former federal employee that the same goes for every level of USPS bureaucracy.
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Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Fundamental Red Heifer

Early yesterday, the red heifer bred by cattlemen from Mississippi and Texas, went on a rampage where the animal was housed in Jerusalem. The red heifer, which Fundamentalist Christians claim will herald in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and, with his return, the End of Time, killed all three of her keepers before escaping onto the streets of the city.

Once roaming Jerusalem, the heifer, now full-grown, gored several local residents. An Israeli soldier home on leave from his post along the border of the Gaza Strip shot it through the head killing it as it charged him too.

By the time Fundamentalists learned of the heifer's demise, it had been neatly slaughtered and sold at a local Arab meat market. All that now remains of the heifer that once bore the responsibility of apocalypse are its horns and hooves.

These now sacred objects will be available for viewing at the Museum of the Apocalypse in Crawford, Texas.

Please mail, or send donations for this and or the Free Tony Alamo -- the new fundamentalist Martyr -- Fund directly to the museum, or online using Paypal.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Michael Steele

Hey Michael!

The President's health care plan is socialism?

All Americans do not deserve health care, right pal?

Let them eat cake instead!

I mean come on, are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? What has this country come to? A nation based on the principles of Christianity? My God, what would Jesus think?

Congratulation to the Party of No. Have it your way and 100,000 American will die every year. Reduce the surplus population, isn't that what you believe, Michael? A half million will file bankruptcy per year.

You, Boener, McConnell, and company are a disgrace to the principles you claim you believe in!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Limbaugh wants a new Depression, here's why

Limbaugh supporters include folks like those to the right, who under the new administration will not be scarfing taxpayer dollars at the old Republican hog trough.

Let's not forget that GWB awarded no-bid contracts to corporate friends, and Limbaugh applauded the taxpayer theft.

Now, Limbaugh wants the President to fail, and if that happens, America will fail too. Considering that when Limbaugh had the opportunity to defend America during the Vietnam War, he used an cyst on his rear end as a medical excuse to avoid the draft, it is obvious that he has wanted America to fail for a very long time.

Perhaps it is time to gather up his supporters, those wonderful men and women from Wall St and the failing Banking Industry, Mortgage Brokers, etc who brought our great nation to the brink of destruction, and treat them as the financial terrorists that they are.

Limbaugh can go to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to do a special talk show 24/7.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Why I canceled my Capital One credit card account - Maybe you should too!

I received a document today from Capital One regarding finance charges to my credit card account. Can you believe they can charge me 29.6% interest?!?!

I have never been late, never missed a payment in 8 years!!!!!!!!!!

I kept a low balance!!!!!!!!!

It's over between us Capital One. Consider yourself CANCELED!

Oh, and by the way, you loan sharking mental midgets, we're in a serious recession! So what is this, your way of attracting new customers?

Good Grief!