Sunday, September 7, 2008

Republican Smear and Fear, but when they do it, it's not sexism?

Wow, it has been years since I heard a republican use the term sexism. I mean this is the political party that claims women have no right to govern their own bodies: that the government has that right. This is the political party whose men, in their hearts, believe that a woman’s place is at home, making babies, keeping house for their men.

Now, by some odd quirk of fate, John POW! McCain decides he wants a relatively unknown woman as his running mate and republicans immediately throw out the term sexism at anyone who believes a VP candidate needs to be closely examined before gaining the opportunity to, if the president dies, hold a quivering forefinger over the button that might end all life on Earth. A VP candidate who thinks the Left Behind books were second only to the Bible.

This is hilarious! Any republican who wants to meet a sexist needs to look closely in the mirror while washing his face. No organization better represents sexism than the Republican Party.

So, this demands that every American take a real close look at this woman and her past. As close as republicans did and still do to Hillary Clinton.

What is lurking in Sarah Palin’s past those Evangelicals want buried, ignored by critics?

Did she really have an affair? Isn’t that why Evangelicals hate Bill Clinton?

Did she really attempt to hide her daughter’s out of wedlock pregnancy?

Did she really try to fire a man who worked under her when he refused to fire her sister’s husband, when said husband fought for custody of his children? Would we want a hot head who uses politics to conduct personal vendettas in the oval office?

Why are republicans afraid to allow the press to take a serious look at this potential VP’s credentials?

Surely, after more than a decade and a half of riding and ridiculing Hillary Clinton as if her gender was not a factor in their criticism, republicans aren’t serious about claiming sexism when we Americans want an honest examination of Sarah Palin. Should we expect anything less because she’s female? Isn’t demanding that we take a different look at her personal history and credentials than we took at Hillary Clinton sexism?

Do republicans automatically assume that because they use smear and fear to win office, that independents and democrats will do that same to the current jewel of Evangelical republicanism?

Or is it that republicans do not want Americans to know that John POW! McCain does not select the best person available for a position in government but instead will pick a person totally unqualified, to gain the power of the presidency and put himself in a position where he can cut taxes for corporations and their CEOS, turn over Americans’ healthcare to a handful of greedy men and women who will see to it that only the healthy have health insurance to maximize profit (to name just two of his un-maverick-like desires)?

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