Monday, September 15, 2008

Secession, Lipstick and Rape

The Republican Party has a secessionist running for the office of vice president. There is something ultra hypocritical about this, but she is a Republican, so the hypocrite part is self-explanatory.

Sarah Palin believes that Alaska should secede from the USA. Now, she tells us she is ready to lead. Lead what?

But not to worry, folks. Lipstick Sarah, the woman who billed Alaska for the time she spent at home and also for traveling back and forth to work, has a plan. A plan for what? She’s an expert on National Security.

She’s a soccer mom who accepted corporate financing for a pipeline through Alaska. And how much money does each Alaskan receive from oil and gas corporations due to those pipelines? $1200 per person per year, or more?

Fact: In Alaska, at the end of each fiscal year, oil royalties are calculated and each resident of the state receives a check for his/her share of these monies.

Also, according to her running mate, er, what’s his name again? Well, whoever, Lipstick has credentials for keeping America safe and secure. What are these credentials? I already wrote about that. She accepted corporate funding for a pipeline.

You know what else she has that will keep America safe? A strong love for Wal-Mart. How many Wal-Marts dot the Alaskan landscape? Supercenters: 3, Discount Stores: 5, Neighborhood Markets: 0, Sam's Clubs: 3, Distribution Centers: 0

How many Wal-Mart employees are in Alaska? 3,163.

Wal-Mart in China raised employees’ salaries, while here in the USA Wal-Mart cut employee salaries.

Lipstick is a secessionist. A woman who thinks Alaska should separate itself from the USA. Most secessionists think this because corporations run the federal government. Apparently that is not Lipstick’s reasoning. She loves corporations, they run Alaska too.

No, you think? Think pipelines, oil and gas, Wal-Mart and how many others like them in malls?

And then there is the fact that Alaskans receive more federal dollars per capita than citizens of any other state. The same goes for federal earmark dollars.

Yes sir! Not only is Lipstick a secessionist in all but fact, she also believes on book banning, and feels that a rape victim should be required by law to pay for her own rape kit. What’s a rape kit? The kit used at hospitals to collect evidence for law enforcement (DNA, fibers, tissue, etc).

I’m wondering if her thinking that a woman should pay for the rape kit, which she may not be able to afford, also means that Lipstick doesn’t think rape is a crime. Maybe she is one of those people who think rape is a woman’s fault.

Lipstick: secessionist, book banner, and an elected official who believes that only this one crime should go on the tab of the victim, rather than being a cost of law enforcement. Oh, unless she wants to charge robbery and murder victims (their families) for the forensics of their cases too.

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Republican Smear and Fear, but when they do it, it's not sexism?

Wow, it has been years since I heard a republican use the term sexism. I mean this is the political party that claims women have no right to govern their own bodies: that the government has that right. This is the political party whose men, in their hearts, believe that a woman’s place is at home, making babies, keeping house for their men.

Now, by some odd quirk of fate, John POW! McCain decides he wants a relatively unknown woman as his running mate and republicans immediately throw out the term sexism at anyone who believes a VP candidate needs to be closely examined before gaining the opportunity to, if the president dies, hold a quivering forefinger over the button that might end all life on Earth. A VP candidate who thinks the Left Behind books were second only to the Bible.

This is hilarious! Any republican who wants to meet a sexist needs to look closely in the mirror while washing his face. No organization better represents sexism than the Republican Party.

So, this demands that every American take a real close look at this woman and her past. As close as republicans did and still do to Hillary Clinton.

What is lurking in Sarah Palin’s past those Evangelicals want buried, ignored by critics?

Did she really have an affair? Isn’t that why Evangelicals hate Bill Clinton?

Did she really attempt to hide her daughter’s out of wedlock pregnancy?

Did she really try to fire a man who worked under her when he refused to fire her sister’s husband, when said husband fought for custody of his children? Would we want a hot head who uses politics to conduct personal vendettas in the oval office?

Why are republicans afraid to allow the press to take a serious look at this potential VP’s credentials?

Surely, after more than a decade and a half of riding and ridiculing Hillary Clinton as if her gender was not a factor in their criticism, republicans aren’t serious about claiming sexism when we Americans want an honest examination of Sarah Palin. Should we expect anything less because she’s female? Isn’t demanding that we take a different look at her personal history and credentials than we took at Hillary Clinton sexism?

Do republicans automatically assume that because they use smear and fear to win office, that independents and democrats will do that same to the current jewel of Evangelical republicanism?

Or is it that republicans do not want Americans to know that John POW! McCain does not select the best person available for a position in government but instead will pick a person totally unqualified, to gain the power of the presidency and put himself in a position where he can cut taxes for corporations and their CEOS, turn over Americans’ healthcare to a handful of greedy men and women who will see to it that only the healthy have health insurance to maximize profit (to name just two of his un-maverick-like desires)?

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John McCain - The Fear Factor POW!

What's the difference between a pit bull and a soccer mom?

Cute question isn't it?

You want a real answer, or a cute one?

You know the cutesy answer right? Lipstick. HAHAHA. How clever. The American education system at work.

The real answer is: try putting lipstick on a pit bull.

The serious question we need to address is this: Why are we living in fear? You wonder about the relationship between this and the first question? What does pit bull remind you of? A sweet cuddly puppy? Or a killer dog that would make you sweat if you confronted it alone at night?

It's all about fear not soccer moms. Who is afraid of a soccer mom? Maybe a soccer mom's kid. But otherwise? No one. Certainly not the President of Russia or Iran.

Why do Republicans love fear and use it subtly and often?

I'll get to that in a minute.

In the meantime, here is a fearful image. Sarah Palin with control of America's nuclear arsenal. Try putting lipstick on that.

John POW! McCain is not a maverick. He's a man who egotistically believes that Americans owe him big time. Why? He is an ex-POW. Forget about the men and women who died fighting for our country or the POW's who never complained or used that status for personal gain. We don't owe them as much as we owe John POW! McCain.

What does this have to do with Sarah's finger poised over the button that triggers nuclear war? What does discussing John POW! McCain's ego have to do with a cold weather soccer mom?

All of it has to do with fear and its application to American life.

On September 11, 2001, Americans had a reason to be fearful, outraged, and angry. They had the right to expect the federal government to perform its main function: defend its citizens. At first, they led us to believe that they would carry out that obligation.

But the members of the administration had other ideas. A golden opportunity was at hand. Fear was rife, one could almost smell it in the streets, see it in the eyes of each one of us. This type of opportunity comes around once in a lifetime. The previous occasion was when the Empire of Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

In 1941, the president chose to downplay fear with a speech that included: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."

Sixty years later, not only had times changed but the growing divide between red and blue states, rich and the rest of us, had defined America in a way never before imagined.

Starting with Richard Nixon, the real icon of republicanism, and up until Newt Gingrich, the festering sore of fear had been coddled and had spread like an emotional plague. When religion stepped into government in Newt's time, the plague swelled into mental leprosy.

George W. Bush, now the worst president in history, in 2001 knew he had a means of fulfilling his own destiny. Fear, the strongest tool for manipulation, had been placed at his feet. Being the soulless man we now know this drunkard to be, he fed on this fear and used it to pry apart red and blue state Americans.

Sure, he had men and women behind and around him to help him craft fear through propaganda, but GWB was the man who signed his name to the deal.

Throughout it all, John POW! McCain stood shoulder to shoulder with George W. Bush, supported his efforts, and knew -- if he didn't then he's too moronic to run for president -- that he was involving himself with a master of fear.

John POW! McCain was George W. Bush's pit bull -- put lipstick on that. Oh, McCain was a maverick, but he needed to be to accomplish his goal of hiding his support for Bush behind the thin veil of opposition. McCain knew that the money he termed pork barrel spending, most of which was used for projects that made life better for Americans, was now needed to promote fear and support war. The average American is not as important to McCain as is war, or his ego. Remember, we Americans owe John POW! McCain for the years he spent in a cell--did he tell you he was bombing civilian targets?

Now for a brief history of fear.

Egyptian Pharaohs used fear to control their people. The Pharaohs were gods.

The Romans used fear to control their empire. Julius Caesar may've been the first ruler to announce that fear is the best tool for controlling people.

The Catholic Church through the Pope, used and still attempts to use fear to control followers of Christ, and the same is true for the American Evangelical movement.

George W. Bush, with his ruling elite Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, John POW! McCain and others, knew about fear and knew how to finish the job begun by Richard Nixon (Google him for a history lesson you'll not soon forget).

911 was a doorway, and once the Bush government crossed the threshold, America was in deep trouble.

The pieces are in place. Fear has divided this nation. Fear rules the Internet and TV. People flee into their electronic worlds of cell phones, Ipods, Blackberries, computers, and on and on. Each of them catch glimpses of events that are shaping their world, but never enough to form opinions based on facts with more depth than a Rush Limbaugh rant, which has the depth of dog feces.

Now, John POW! McCain the maverick who supports corporate America with more tax breaks for CEOs, and his narrow-minded running mate the raving Evangelical Sarah Palin, want to carry the torch. With them they drag along the chains of fear that both the Bush Administration and the Evangelical right have nurtured to promote corporate dominance of American life.

Thousands of us die for lack of healthcare. POW! wants to give HMOs more authority to cut off service to more Americans. Oil corporations run the cost of gasoline to record levels and POW! demands they have the right to drill for oil wherever they want. Neither of those decisions on the part of John POW! McCain are signs of a maverick. They are stated positions that support special interest groups, and are decisions based on the use of fear.

Sarah Palin is no Hillary Clinton. They are not even in the same league. Now there is something to put lipstick on. Hillary never used fear.

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