Monday, March 2, 2009

Limbaugh wants a new Depression, here's why

Limbaugh supporters include folks like those to the right, who under the new administration will not be scarfing taxpayer dollars at the old Republican hog trough.

Let's not forget that GWB awarded no-bid contracts to corporate friends, and Limbaugh applauded the taxpayer theft.

Now, Limbaugh wants the President to fail, and if that happens, America will fail too. Considering that when Limbaugh had the opportunity to defend America during the Vietnam War, he used an cyst on his rear end as a medical excuse to avoid the draft, it is obvious that he has wanted America to fail for a very long time.

Perhaps it is time to gather up his supporters, those wonderful men and women from Wall St and the failing Banking Industry, Mortgage Brokers, etc who brought our great nation to the brink of destruction, and treat them as the financial terrorists that they are.

Limbaugh can go to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to do a special talk show 24/7.